P.U.L.S.E Meeting.

A few days ago, my school's leadership club called P.U.L.S.E had their first meeting of the year! It was a blast! Everyone had a good time. We had it at the President's house. We had a little pot luck which turned into a big one because of all the food we had. I mean, for 17 people, we had 5 pizzas! YES! 5 PIZZAS! The Vice President held the Ice Breaker for everyone to get to know each other and so then it won't be so awkward. The meeting was going to be held outside but we decided to have it inside because it was so stinkin' hot.  

 In P.U.L.S.E everyone holds an officer position. I am Spirit officer. It's a blast because I get to get everyone pumped for school activities and stuff. It fits my personality perfectly. We actually have more boys this year too. Last year there was one boy, now we have four! Yay! We discussed events for the Freshman and New Students, as well as Homecoming and Spirit Week.

 Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. After having made some decisions on what we are going to do this school year we decided to have a little fun and jump in the pool. 

 My friends and I being ridiculous. Lindsay decided to jump in last minute.
A few of use playing ball.
And then a few others just relaxing and enjoying themselves in the summer heat. 

I hope everyone is staying cool this summer and to have a wonderful day!

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