Everyone Has Days Like Today

So today is my last day of summer. Tomorrow I go to school as a Senior. I'm turning 18 in two months. In a year I will be going to college (in PA!). I should be one happy girl. But I'm not. Instead I woke up in a funk. I didn't feel good about myself at all. When I woke up I looked down at my body. How could this body be mine, I thought. It was just too much. I don't like the way my body looks, nor have I for as long as I can remember. I was always "too tall" or "too fat" or something else ridiculous. Homecoming is in two months and I told myself a month ago that I was going to get in shape and wear an awesome dress. This is my senior year! I want a killer body. Yes, think Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez, or Kim Kardashian. They all have amazing bodies and I want that. I mostly want to be able to look at my body and be proud of it. I wanna say, "yeah I worked for this body. It rocks". Being insecure about myself has taken over my life at points. Not just because of my body but because of school too. I sit there and think "no college is going to accept me" or "how am I going to be able to survive the classes". My insecurity haunts me sometimes. Telling me I'm not "good enough". My mom always knows when my insecurity hits me. Always. She is amazing at telling me that I can do this or I can do that but it still doesn't make that mean voice in my head go away. When I told myself a month ago that I was going to work on my body, I started to weigh myself every Sunday to see my progress. Three weeks ago, I lost three pounds. But in the last two weeks, I gained back two of those three pounds. I was depressed when I saw that number today on the scale. Telling my mom was not what I wanted to do. I wanted to lie and say I lost a pound but where would that get me? No where. So I told her and she smiled and said "at least your not at your highest point again". True. Very true. Nevertheless, I was still saddened by the number. My mother then asked me if I was nervous about school starting tomorrow. I sat there and thought about it for a minute. Was I nervous about school or was I nervous about something else. I wasn't nervous about school. I was and still am nervous about how I am going to be able to juggle everything. School, work, college applications, scholarships, college research. It can be a little over whelming. I am also nervous about life after high school. Leaving my mom is a big step (yeah say what you want but I am a total momma's girl). I am intimidated by the word "college". The classes, the place, being on my own is all intimidating. I'm afraid that I will fail all my classes and not be able to keep up. I'm afraid that I won't be able to do it all this year. That I won't be able to accomplish everything that I dreamed of accomplishing before high school ends. So I sit here and write about my fears, but in actually it is making me feel better. It may not help me feel better for the rest of the year, but today it will help me. I can get up and say that I worked out today (walked four miles...hopefully do a few more before bed). I have yet to do something about college but I will get there. I'm still looking a different schools. I would like to go to a smaller school. Since I go to a Charter School which consists of less than 200 kids, a big school would be overwhelming. But hey! It will be okay. I'm going to finish this, practice my music, make a Wal-Mart run and get ready for the big day tomorrow. It's going to be a good day, and a good week. I just hope everyone feels the same way. If your feeling overwhelmed or sick of your body, do a little bit. Not a lot but I little bit of work. Workout for 20 minutes, research some colleges, relax and do your nails. It will all help you, like it did me. Thank you for making it this far. I appreciate it. Have a wonderful week guys! 

PULSE and Senior Year

Ahhhhh! I can't believe I start senior year this upcoming Monday. It's both exciting and frightening. Yesterday, my school had orientation for new students and incoming freshman. So PULSE (a leadership group) helped the teachers out, gave students a tour of the school, and just worked to get to know everyone. For the new students we gave them doughnuts (which almost no one ate...who doesn't want a doughnut!?) and freshman got ice cream. Everyone had a great time! Our coordinator and adviser loved it.

Here's a few of us being well, us. (: 

 Today is my orientation. Luckily, I don't have to go through the rules and expectations of the school. I just have to turn in paperwork and get my books. Yippie! Haha. 

I absolulety love my PULSE family. They are amazing and I have a feeling that this is going to be the best year yet for the school. And it's mine and others senior year, so were going out with a bang! :D 

Also, my friend Sam helped me out with making a few spirit items for school. Our adviser asked me to work on more spirit stuff for the school so I came back with a bunch of stuff to put up. I put the word "Hawk" on the stalls of the girls bathroom and the wall of the boys bathroom. Sam helped me make pennant flags for the doors. This is the tutorial I used to help me: Brimful Curiosities: Pennant Flag.

EVERYONE loved them. I was so happy. I was actually asked to make more! CRAZY! I am just extremely happy that they liked them. It means a lot. 

Have a great Thursday guys! 

Balboa Park, San Diego

Today definitely made it into my scrapbook. I loved it! A few days ago my mom surprised me with tickets to go see the Titanic Exhibit at the NAT in Balboa Park, San Diego. I have been wanting to go since before it opened...(It opened February 10th...so a long time! Haha) I wanted to go before school started so I was very happy with it. It was a hot summer day so I probably don't look that great in the pictures but who cares. (; 

Anyways, back to the important stuff. I am fascinated by the Titanic and it's history and story. I love to learn more about it whenever I can. So let me start from the beginning to end. Shall we? 

This is the front of the building. I know, Yawn. But I thought you might like the poster and appreciate the building like I do. Ha! 

 Below is the picture they take of you before you actually go in. It was against a green screen nothing special; but if you look closely, you see a ghost! (; I thought that was pretty neat.

 Also at the beginning, before your voyage, you are given a boarding pass (exact replicas!) with a person's name on the back. It gives the full name, who they are with, where they are coming from, and why they are boarding the Titanic. At the end you find out if your person lives or not.

 I had the honor of having a second class citizen named Mrs. Allen O. Becker (Nellie E. Baumgardner) who had three kids with her. She boarded the Titanic to come to the States to receive treatment for her son's illness. Luckily, Nellie and her three kids survived. YAY! 

Sadly, we weren't able to take pictures of the artifacts but it was amazing. They had first, second, and third class china and replicas of some of the rooms. We read about numerous different people who traveled on the Titanic and how it was made. Did you know the Queen of the Sea was almost three football fields long? That is longgggg. They also had a video on how the vessel sank. It showed how the crash happened, the front end going down first, and how everything just fell into place. It was really interesting. Right after that, they had an iceberg that you could actually touch. It was freezing. Which to me was surprising because I had no idea how they kept it that cold when the room felt fine. But it was still cool(: The artifacts were in amazing condition. There were some dishes that looked brand new because they were in a cabinet the whole time while under water. 

After seeing all the exciting Titanic stuff my mom and I stopped and ate at the Prado. They had AMAZING food. We also splurged and got dessert. The best part besides the fantastic food was the extremely hot waiter that we had along with every other male waiter there. Yupp, eye candy to the max. (;

Later on we went back to the NAT and saw the Fossils exhibit. Below you can see me pictured with a few pre-historic mammals. Haha.

 Ahhh! I wanted a shot by the cave. I didn't want to go in the cave though...there was a fake snake.I couldn't do it. Hahaha!
 I also saw this gigantic shark hanging from the ceiling. It was pretty awesome looking. So I had to take a picture. (:
 After visiting the shops downstairs (I bought an Albert Einstein poster. Wadddup!) we went and saw "Flying Monsters" in 3D. It was pretty cool. I was fascinated by how the reptiles turned birds evolved. After that the museums were getting ready to close so we just walked around the outside for a little bit and went to the Japanese Garden and saw their Koi fish.

The whole day was perfect. I loved it. My mom and I really enjoyed ourselves. I also got to be that little kid messing around with all the fun activities that they had for kids. Yes, I am that person. (: It was soooo much fun! 

Now the day is ending with me finishing this up and figuring out P.U.L.S.E spirit ideas for school. Yippie! Haha. I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and a happy Monday! (;

Days Like These...I Love

So the past few days, I have done nothing but hang out with my best friend and do some simple errands with my mom. I was able to spend two nights at my friends house which was the best. We watched movies (Thirteen Ghosts,The Matrix, Moulin Rouge!, Pinocchio, Zoolander, and Pirates of the Caribbean). Definitely an interesting mix, don't you think? There is one more week of freedom before Senior Year starts so we decided to relax and enjoy ourselves. We also attempted to paint our nails. See, I saw all these cool ideas and tricks to do to your nails, and only two out of the hundreds (Okay...you caught me...maybe not hundreds...but a substantial amount) of ideas worked. The first one was painting your design on a plastic bag and peeling it after it has completely dried and placing it on your finger. Now my friend was able to pull this off, me, not so much. The second neat idea we tried that worked was using tape to make different geometrical designs. I was able to do this one. (Yay!) Anyways, we tried putting newspaper and maps on our nails (Use rubbing alcohol and voila! Supposedly...) and marbling our nails with plastic bags. Overall, it was fun and relaxing (sort of...I became frustrated with nothing working). This is my end result. (: 

Later, after two wonderful relaxing days, my mother and I went to run errands. The usual Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, and Target shopping plus some. We ended up going to the mall for a little bit (I was able to buy flowers for my hair...I know...they sound lame but I have no clue how to describe them, and a bracelet with a bow on it..(; )  Wal-Mart shopping was eventful. I love going there because of the make-up. Yupp, make up. I absolutely love the stuff. It gives people the power of confidence and creativity; but besides buying make up, we bought the typical stuff for the house like dish soap and batteries. It was hectic with school starting up again. All I wanted was to get one pencil, ONE PENCIL. Oh wait, excuse me, one mechanical pencil. That was impossible in both Wal-Mart and Target. Ridiculous. Oh well, I will find one eventually. It was just too busy in the school area for me to be searching through their little boxes of random stuff.

Anyways, the day was still perfect. One because it was relaxing, and two, because it was relaxing. Yupp. Purrrrrfect. And to top it off, I saw these beautiful flowers blooming on my porch earlier today and just had to share. (:

I hope everyone's weekend so far is as bright and happy as these flowers are! 

P.S. I am so excited for tomorrow, my mom is taking me to see the Titanic Exhibit in San Diego! Check it out here!

P.U.L.S.E Meeting.

A few days ago, my school's leadership club called P.U.L.S.E had their first meeting of the year! It was a blast! Everyone had a good time. We had it at the President's house. We had a little pot luck which turned into a big one because of all the food we had. I mean, for 17 people, we had 5 pizzas! YES! 5 PIZZAS! The Vice President held the Ice Breaker for everyone to get to know each other and so then it won't be so awkward. The meeting was going to be held outside but we decided to have it inside because it was so stinkin' hot.  

 In P.U.L.S.E everyone holds an officer position. I am Spirit officer. It's a blast because I get to get everyone pumped for school activities and stuff. It fits my personality perfectly. We actually have more boys this year too. Last year there was one boy, now we have four! Yay! We discussed events for the Freshman and New Students, as well as Homecoming and Spirit Week.

 Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. After having made some decisions on what we are going to do this school year we decided to have a little fun and jump in the pool. 

 My friends and I being ridiculous. Lindsay decided to jump in last minute.
A few of use playing ball.
And then a few others just relaxing and enjoying themselves in the summer heat. 

I hope everyone is staying cool this summer and to have a wonderful day!

Meteor Shower

I can't tell you how dissapointed I was when I found out that I had missed the meteor shower. I saw on the internet and news that the big portion of the meteor shower was going to be on August 12th and August 13th, not August 11th. It just so happened though that it was on August 11th. So I am saddened to say that I missed it. I was looking forward to it all week. Oh well. Next time right? Hopefully there will be another one soon enough! I would love to hear from you guys! Let me know if you got to see the meteor shower!

Getting Crafty With Friends

Yesterday and today I was able to spend time with my best friend, Sam. She is the perfect person to balance out my personality, that's why I love her so much. (: We decided that our P.U.L.S.E shirts for school (It is basically ASB) were too boring for us. They were regular T-Shirts with the word PULSE on it. Also, mine was too small and hers was too big. So we got a little crafty with them! With my shirt, my mom added side panels to it to make it slightly bigger. I decided to use black fabric with white polka dots. Since Sams' shirt was too small we cut the side of the shirt and made slits on the side.

 We tied them together to hold the shirt together while making it more fitting. We then proceeded to add black and red bows to these knots to add more flare to them. (Red, Black, and White are the 
 school colors).

We decided to cut the sleeves off too since they were so big. Sam then added black bows to her shoulders while I added red. On the back we put our job and our name.

It was a super fun way of making a boring shirt look cute. You could also add lace to the bottom or other slits on the shirt if you wanted! It was quite messy but still fun!

Later, I decided to chalk Sam's little sister's hair. She loved it! Check out an amazing tutorial here. (:

I hope everyone had an amazing day! I sure did! I will warn you, the shirts took two days to do! (:

A Day with Lindsay

Hey! Sara here! That's my name! I'm at Lindsay's house, designing this blog. (:  She's showing me how to do everything. She has her own blog, check it out here! (: